Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Well needless to say I've been a busybody.  Between fulltime work, parttime work and two kids, it doesn't leave you with a whole lot of free time.  But...I have made some encouraging progress!  Thanks to my brother Jonathan, I changed up my formatting and it jumped from seven chapters to twenty-seven chapters!  Over ninety pages and a 22k+ word count!  I also had a couple people read the new revision to see if it was easier to read and not as cramped and low and behold I get told I have a dead person walking around that I have to go kill again, or at least make sure they stay dead ;)  I'm sooo close to getting Part II started!!

And here is a new piece of art done by Ms. Samantha Nowak, who can be found at Her deviantArt account or her Personal Site!  Yes I know it is in a cartoon style, but I like have the visual references for myself.  The above couple, are siblings Saorla and Lasair.